What to Expect:
Exhibiting at K Space Contemporary
Shows must be installed and taken down during business hours (Wed.-Sat., 11 am to 5 pm) whenever possible. If you must work outside of our open hours, please let us know so we can arrange for a staff member to be present.
Each work of art must arrive labeled with Name, email address, phone number, Title, Media, Retail Price
K Space Contemporary (KSC) retains a 40% commission on gallery sales. (This rate does not apply to the Gift Shop or Consignment Gallery.)
Works must be picked up/shipped out within 10 days of the end of the show.
Abandoned – Works left at KSC 60 days after the last day of the exhibition will be considered “abandoned” and become the property of KSC. KSC will sell, donate, or dispose of abandoned works with zero compensation to the artist.
Press Release to local and state media, internet outlets & event calendars
Promo on www.kspacecontemporary.org (photo & press release)
Email Invitation to 2500 subscribers
Social media promotion via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
1000-2000 Postcard Announcements. We mail 500-600 to our membership list.
Assistance with installation (Clower and Starr Galleries): 4-5 KSC Exhibition Committee members can help install on Saturdays and between college semesters. 1-2 staff members can help Tuesday through Friday, 11 am to 5 pm.
Labels for Artwork
Title Wall Vinyl
Reception – KSC exhibitions open with 1st Friday Art Walks. An average Art Walk crowd is 450-600. KSC Exhibitions are generally in place for two Art Walks / 4-7 weeks. KSC supplies wine & water for all receptions.
KSC galleries are open Wed.-Sat., 11 am to 5 pm, 1st Friday Art Walks until 9 pm, and for special receptions and events.
Email the following to Info@kspacecontemporary.org 8 weeks before opening:
Exhibition Title
Bio and Statement
2-3 Photos of Artwork
List of Works being exhibited. Include title, media, dimensions, retail price (retail price includes commission), and a brief description of all works are the same size and similar imagery.
Transport and Deliver artwork to and from the gallery
Install Artwork, when possible. Exhibition Committee assists when available.
Dismantle Show. Exhibition Committee assists when available (weekend).
Exhibiting artists are encouraged to publicize their show beyond KSC’s efforts – Send Press Release to hometown media outlets, Share Facebook events and other Social Media
If you provide an Excel file (or another spreadsheet) of your own mailing list, we can add them to our Bulk Mailout. Email this to us when you send the above show information.
Due to the educational emphasis of BFA, MA, MFA exhibitions, all aspects of exhibition preparation and installation must be completed by the student. Like shows held on campus, student artists are required to design their own postcards, title-wall vinyl, print materials, and to write their own press releases. KSC assists with printing postcards, banners, and vinyl, and provides publicity via social media, website promotion, and email invitations. However, students are strongly encouraged to do their own promotion, as well, to learn various avenues to promote themselves. Openings occur in conjunction with Art Walk, like other KSC shows.