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Spectacular Salon 2023

November 25th - December 16th, 2023

Spectacular Salon is an exhibition K Space hosts almost every year during the holiday season. Artists who are accepted receive a section of the gallery wall and are allowed to display anything they wish that will fit on the wall or in their floor space for 3D artists. It is a wonderful event to shop for the holidays and support local artists.

Salon Artists:

Michelle Smythe

Amanda C. Burns

Jen Wells

Kathleen Mekailek

Stan Unser

Holley Garcia

Ethan Thompson

Marcy Guerra

Russel Lipperd

Nola Guajardo

Jin Sun Kim

Ella Gonzalez

Kenny Concert

Clay Reuter

Jalyn Casarez

Hanne Hay

Khara Collins

Dennis Kemmerer

Dr. Leonel Monsivais

Charles Ligocky

Leandra Urruita

Nichole Schiller

Jennifer Arnold

Exhibition Gallery

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